Our EXCLUSIVE partnership provides our members with assessments to gain an understanding of who they are professionally and how to leverage their insights at work.  We utilize this in-depth tool in the following areas with our members for individual or group coaching in addition to the overall support of their professional development and personal growth.

  • Work Style
  • Communication Style
  • Conflict Triggers
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Persuasion
  • Development
  • General Overview

Sign up to Create Your Insight Profile!

Customized Insights about YOU!

Our partnership with Cloverleaf supports six different assessments so that you can begin to understand yourself better.  Create your profile, take the assessments right in your profile and starting learning more about the professional YOU!

Understand Your Workstyle

From motivation, communication, leadership and work style, your customized insights provide continued awareness and understanding of yourself. You can also match your thinking style with your industry colleagues to leverage mentoring advice. All this to equip you with confidence in who you are, show up to work strategically ready for effective communication, relationship building and collaboration.

Maximize & Leverage What You Know

With clarity about who you are professionally, you can do your best work!  Our insight tool provides you with curated content so you can maximize your performance and relationships more effectively.  Your dashboard gives you a place where you can inventory your strengths, skills and define where you are focusing skill development efforts.