About Us

Black Career Women’s Network (BCWN) is a national career development organization dedicated to fostering the professional growth of Black women in the workplace. 

What we do

Since 2012, we have continued to be champions of support and empowerment for Black Career Women. We empower them to take charge of their professional destinies, advocate for themselves, and lead with distinction. Our unwavering commitment to breaking down barriers and amplifying opportunities ensures to ensure that Black women have the tools and resources they need to succeed at the highest levels in the workplace.

Since 2012, we have continued to be champions of support for black career women

Our Values


We face challenges with confidence, equipped with the right tools, strategies, and a positive mindset.


We advocate for ourselves by speaking up clearly and truthfully about our professional worth.


When we share our successes, failures, and challenges, we inspire others with confidence.


We are confident in achieving our goals through action, strategic planning, and execution.

Community - Together

We cultivate a strong feeling of belonging, sisterhood, and connection within our community.

Guiding Principles

We believe in

Whether you’re just starting out in an entry-level role, climbing the corporate ladder to the c-suite, pursuing entrepreneurship, or a celebrity in your own right, we all share a common bond as black women navigating our respective career journeys. 

Career empowerment starts with gaining clarity

How We Support


Professional Development

“Career Smarts 365” is our Group Coaching program comprised of Micro Lessons, Smart Guides, Strategy Calls, and Private Tribe to help you gain clarity, strategy, and solutions to Grow Smart and Work Smart!


Mentoring for us by us

We know mentors can be hard to find! That is why our national Mentoring program is comprised of carefully selected professionals, coaches, and entrepreneurs from all industries and career levels to offer professional advice and support.

Signature Events

Learn, Grow & Network

Our events, workshops, and training for professional growth, expanding your network, and career management so you can make better career decisions, and handle any challenges no matter what stage in your career. 

Share Experiences

A "safe" place to be heard!

 A place to be heard, share experiences, and receive support in our “No Judgment Safe Zone” platform on and offline.

Job Search

Recruitment & Referrals

Our network of professional black women is comprised of talent from all career levels and industries and is a great resource for organizations nationwide to partner with that are looking for diverse talent. 


Belonging & Connection

Networking with a purpose? Absolutely! Establishing a strong network is critical to your career. Make connections through social and business interactions while building new, purposeful, and lasting professional relationships. 

Interactive Conversations

Speak up & Be Heard

Curated discussions designed to be a “sounding board“. As Black Women, we have different experiences in the workplace and these conversations allow women to openly talk, and gain career insight, and advice.

Curated Resources

Career Management Support

Our resources include an array of career tools that you can use from the comfort of your work or home office, making it convenient for you to grow professionally.

Stay Connected on the Go

Career Development in your pocket!

Accessible anytime, anywhere! Download our mobile App on the app store or Google Play.

How We Support Companies

Diverse Talent Pool

The network provides access to a pool of talented Black women professionals, enriching the company’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Recruitment Assistance

Assisting companies in recruiting and retaining Black female talent by providing connections and referrals through the network.

Professional Development

Offering a mentorship program, Career Coaching, workshops, and webinars tailored to the needs and challenges faced by Black women in the workplace, thus enhancing their skills and advancing their careers.

Networking Opportunities

Facilitating networking events where Black female professionals can connect with each other and with industry leaders, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Advocacy and Representation

Advocating for policies and initiatives within companies that promote equity, representation, and equal opportunities for Black women in leadership positions.

Cultural Competency Training

Providing resources and training to help companies understand and navigate issues related to race, gender, and intersectionality in the workplace.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Supporting ERGs within companies to provide a supportive community for Black women employees, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Leadership Pipeline Development

Identifying and nurturing talented Black women within the company to prepare them for leadership roles through targeted development programs and opportunities.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Collaborating with company leadership to develop and implement strategies for creating an inclusive workplace culture that celebrates diversity and values the contributions of Black women.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Supporting ERGs within companies to provide a supportive community for Black women employees, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Leadership Pipeline Development

Identifying and nurturing talented Black women within the company to prepare them for leadership roles through targeted development programs and opportunities.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Collaborating with company leadership to develop and implement strategies for creating an inclusive workplace culture that celebrates diversity and values the contributions of Black women.

Community Engagement

Engaging with local communities and organizations to promote education, career opportunities, and empowerment for Black women, thus enhancing the company’s corporate social responsibility efforts.

Community Engagement

Engaging with local communities and organizations to promote education, career opportunities, and empowerment for Black women, thus enhancing the company’s corporate social responsibility efforts.

Sherry Sims

Sherry Sims - BCWN Founder and CEO

Founder of Black Career Women’s Network, Career Strategist, and HR and DEl Professional.

Inspired in 2009 to create an online forum due to a lack of access to black female mentors, Sherry created a LinkedIn group named Black Career Women’s Network. 

The purpose was to connect with other black women and obtain career advice. The group did not gain traction until she became a Career Coach, and black women began to seek her out for career advice; she discovered that other professional black women like herself were experiencing similar challenges in the workplace.

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