Black Career Woman Spotlight – Aisha Patterson

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Black Career Woman

Black Career Woman Spotlight

Who is Black Career Woman, Aisha Patterson

How do you make your coins?

I make my coins by serving the client base of Professional Polishing Touch as their resume and LinkedIn advisor. I assist them with improving their resumes and LinkedIn profiles to maximize their reach in the job market. I am also a Public Speaker, delivering talks and workshops locally. I am also the Director of Connect Groups at a local Cincinnati-based church!

What strategies or steps have you taken to achieve success in your chosen field?

Number one, I pray. Especially as I build my own brand. I have also sought out mentors, taken their counsel, and implemented it. I surround myself with individuals who are on a similar path. I invest in myself, workshops, training, and conferences. Some are paid and some are free. In either case, I find the time and/or money to invest in myself.

What challenge(s) have you experienced in the workplace and how did you overcome it?

When I was immersed in the corporate world I experienced the following challenges:

1. Being weeded out due to not having anyone in my corner, i.e., sponsorship, mentors, a
co-worker or wingman to speak for me and my work)

2. Needing to code switch to be culturally accepted.

3. Microaggressions.

How do you bring your authentic self to work?

To bring my authentic self to work, I begin with prayer. It is my personal belief that every job I’ve had is an assignment from God where I use my gifts in exchange for growth, development, of course, income, and ultimately, marketability for future roles. As such, I try to show up daily with a smile, with kindness, and a laser focus on the tasks at hand. I also bring my sense of humor. The ability to laugh at ourselves and our circumstances is medicinal gold!

Who has been the most influential person in your career up to now?

Cynthia Turner. Cynthia was my first team leader over 20 years ago. She eventually moved into operations management. Cynthia was the epitome of a mentor. She consistently saw the best in me and made a demand for my gifts and talents. It is because of her ability to mine my potential that I am capable of reaching for my dreams today.

What advice can you give to black career women that desire to achieve the next level of success in their career?

Invest in yourself! Invest in yourself! Invest in yourself! I cannot say it enough. Many organizations are no longer investing in employees as they once were, as such; it is your job to own your own development. Ask questions. Seek answers. Seek mentors. Seek sponsors. Attend training. Pay for off-site courses. Do your job + some, meaning know your job description and be willing to do more. Doing these things can only add to your skill set, which improves your marketability. Improved marketability can increase income and visibility. Always invest in yourself so that you can receive the next level of your career that you desire and are worthy of.

What does being a Black Career Woman Mean to YOU?

To me, being a Black Career Woman means community, walking in power, walking in authenticity, and being empowered to help other women do the same.

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