Crafting Your Blueprint: Career Planning 101
Join our live webinar, Crafting Your Blueprint: Career Planning 101, exclusively for entry-level to mid-career Black women seeking to architect their professional futures.
We will guide you through the essential steps to craft a robust annual career plan tailored to your aspirations and ambitions. You’ll learn practical strategies to navigate the complexities of career progression, identify your unique strengths, and develop a personalized roadmap to achieve your career goals. Take this opportunity to jump-start your year and take
proactive steps toward realizing your long-term goals and ambitions.
Completed the Smart Guide from the Getting Clear on Your Career Goals for 2024 Virtual Workshop
Ambitious women ready to develop a structured approach to their career planning.
Benefits of effective career planning
Assessing Industry & Market Trends
Setting SMART Goals
Creating an Actionable Blueprint/Roadmap
Building Your Resources and Network
Overcoming Challenges and Adapting
Register now, and let us help you take action to achieve your career goals this year!
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