Meet Jacqueline Twillie

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Black Career Woman

Who is Black Career Woman, Jacqueline Twillie- NYC

How do you make your coins?

Founder and President of ZeroGap Consultants, Professional Training and Development in Dallas, TX

What strategies or steps have you taken to achieve success in your chosen field?

Information gathering is the consistent strategy that I’ve used throughout my career to reach each level of success. Whether in the form of professional associations, online courses, and certifications or networking at conferences. Someone once told me that when you stop learning, you stop living. I’ve clung to that statement, and I use it as a reminder that when I have a vision or dream, all I have to do is seek the information to create a blueprint to make something happen. There can be information overload, which is the tricky part of using information gathering as a strategy, but the second and most important element of using this strategy is to take consistent action. I’ve used the information that I’ve gathered to take action on various business opportunities. As a result of spending several hours a day reading and researching, I’m able to look at situations and think of creative solutions to problems or something out of the box that sets me apart. I did this in my traditional 9-5 career, and I still do the same now that I run a business.

What challenges) have you experienced in the workplace, and how did you overcome them?

Challenges are a part of the journey, and understanding that you’ll have to figure out how to overcome them is the biggest part of overcoming challenges. When I was in the traditional workforce, I leaned on mentors to guide me through challenges, whether I made an embarrassing mistake or failed to hit a goal. Leaning on those who had more experience than me helped me to figure out how I wanted to move forward from that situation.

How do you bring your authentic self to work?

Self-awareness has helped me to be myself in any setting. I know who I am, both my strengths and weaknesses and I have learned to be confident no matter who is around me. Oftentimes, I’ve encountered men who’ve asked me if I was too young to be in a business meeting. I used to be offended and respond in a sarcastic manner. Now, I embrace my youthful appearance, and instead of responding in a snippy way, I let my knowledge and depth of understanding of the business matters carry my conversation. I get right to business and stick to the facts. I don’t try to make my appearance look older or younger I show up as I am – a successful results-driven businesswomen. I often cling to this Brene’ Brown quote, “ Don’t puff up, don’t shrink, just show up and be seen.” To be honest, when I relax and show up as my best self, a lot of anxiety is lifted from my shoulders.

Who has been the most influential person in your career up to now?

I’ve had so many influential people guide me in various aspects of my career. No one achieves success alone, and I feel extremely blessed to have connected with the right people at the right time in my professional journey. At one point, I had 4 mentors working with me, and at other times, I’ve hired coaches. It’s all about building mutually beneficial relationships and letting each person who has helped me know that I appreciate their time and the wisdom they’ve shared with me. I must acknowledge my mother who showed me how to be a female entrepreneur from the time I learned to walk. She’s been in business for nearly 30 years, and I have learned a lot from her example of being consistent in business.

What advice can you give to black career women who desire to achieve the next level of success in their career?

For black career women who desire to achieve her next level of success. I encourage her to set a clear vision and work towards that level every day. When there isn’t enough time in the day or when life gets in the way to make time to do one thing each day that will get her closer to that level.  It’s the small consistent steps that make the biggest difference. It’s the small things that are done daily that make other people notice the work someone is producing.

What does being a Black Career Woman Mean to YOU?

Black women are excellent contributors to the professional environment. While there are many stereotypes that we face, it’s great to enhance the image of women who work hard and are dedicated to producing results.

How can we connect with you?

Twitter – _ZeroGap and JVTwillie
Instagram – _ZeroGap and JacquelineTwillie
Website – and
Email – and

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